Our Team

Dax Teo
Managing Partner
Dax is the founder of SIN Group and has over 2 decades of experience in the accounting profession. He started his career with Ernst & Young Singapore and was involved in various audit engagements of listed public companies, multinational corporations, government-linked companies and statutory boards, as well as IPOs reporting accountant projects for both SGX-ST Mainboard and Catalist before he left as an Audit Senior Manager. He subsequently joined a local Small-Medium Practices audit firm as an Audit Partner before starting SIN Group in 2019.
He was a non-executive independent director of a HK listed company from 2017 to 2021. Currently, he is also serving as a Technical Partner in another local audit firm, and is nominated to the ISCA Hot Review and Peer Review Panel. He is an ordinary member of Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore (IIA Singapore) and Singapore Institute of Directors (SID), and an associate member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
Dax has helmed the strategic growth and direction of SIN Group with his unwavering belief in the right values and vision of a one-stop boutique professional firm. With a good blend of knowledge and experience dealing in complex engagements to practical issues faced by our clients, he is well positioned to serve you professionally and pragmatically.